Crystal Ferguson, B.S., PCD(DONA)-in-training

I was born in Biloxi, MS and grew up there, living a few years in a few places in California.  After graduating high school in 2000, I moved with my family to Mannheim, Germany for what we thought was a while.  It ended up being until just a month after 9/11.  I will forever be grateful to the wonderful and caring people of Germany and will also forever thank my Heavenly Father that I was born in America. 

When we left Germany we moved to Springfield, MO.  Shortly afterwards I began my studies at Missouri State University.  I graduated from MSU with my bachelor’s degree in chemistry in December of 2006. The following summer, while working towards my master’s degree at the same school, I married the man of my dreams, Andrew in the Nauvoo, IL Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We decided to start our family almost immediately and our little Zadia was born the summer of 2008. One look at that baby girl and I knew I never wanted to leave her!

I dropped out of graduate school just before the semester was supposed to restart because chemistry had lost its savor. We decided as a family that I wanted to help other new moms transition into this new state of family life. I immediately started researching everything I could about postpartum doula work (though I prefer the title "postnatal doula") and started working towards certification through DONA, while still enjoying wonderful times at home with my family. I paid my dues, ordered my packet, and started up my business, while waiting for the first availabe postpartum doula training workshop.

I decided on this path because it was a wonderful way for me to work for myself, doing something I love, on my own schedule, and be able to “work and wear,” a concept of attachment parenting where you actually carry your baby, or “wear” her in a sling or wrap, while you go about working. This allows the baby to have the closeness she craves, getting fed on an as-needed basis, while you get things done. It works for moms, dads, and older siblings and really helps you and your baby to connect. You learn to read each others cues and, pretty soon, you have a happy baby who sleeps, eats, and has her other needs met, in close proximity to you and rarely cries. Zadia, like other “attached babies,” is perfectly capable of playing on her own as well, and is often put down to play by herself in her crib or on the floor. She simply gets to “hang with mom” and have her physical, emotional, and social needs met. I had originally planned to wear Zadia when I work in your home, but she's now grown too much and likes to be into everything, so I'll have a babysitter.  Maybe I can still work and wear the next one for the first few months.

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